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Brian Dimsho
Brian Dimsho is a USTA certified official and the resident official of the Orange County Grand Prix.


Hitting the net
by Jim Kelly

Q: On return of serve the ball hits the tape and pushes the net into the racquet of the player at the net. All agreed that the ball wasn't going over the net, and that the net may not have been regulation tight. Still, the point was lost by the player at the net. Good Call?

A: Yes, Player making contact with the net lost the point if the contact by the net was made before the ball was dead by hitting the ground. By the way the approved method to set a loose net to the correct tension is by removing the center net strap and tighten the net until the top of the net measures 40 inches to the ground at the center of the court, than reinstall the center net strap and adjust to 36 inches at the same point.
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